As i was reading the newspaper this morning, the pages were flooded with, "prices are rising!". In the past few weeks, I didn't feel that i was affected by it...and to me this issue was somehow a distant crisis that doesn't require help from small figures like me.
However, it did knock me on the head this morning..OUCH!
Inflation hits 26 year record high for March in Singapore. Practically everything rose.
- Recreation (that means i should play less badminton? how can?!)
- Health care (don't fall sick!)
- Education and stationery
- Housing
- Food (must eat lesser now...aiyoh!)
- Clothing (no more shopping :( ) and footwear
- Transport and communication.
Thailand is to set aside more land for farming so that rice production can increase from 9.2 million ha to 9.7 million ha. Yes it is one probable way of controlling the rise in prices for food but what if the weather doesn't permit good crop yield? then how?? Plus Europe is returning to burning coal for energy becos oil and gas prices are soaring. Coal is the dirtiest way of obtaining energy! Can't imagine the skies being so polluted! yucks! Even if it involves clean coal (where they try to reduce pollution caused by burning of coal), it would cost billions of dollars in investment and more advanced technology.
Ok my point of all saying all these is not to bore u with statistics but to remind u again of what this world is becoming of. Every day new problems leads to another. It's like a cycle. They never seem to end. What will become of this earth? I don't dare to imagine..I wonder if there will be any future for our children and our children's children??
The world is dying!! :( So please do your best to save electricity and water and don't waste food (i'm trying too...hehe).
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